Did you experience the process of transformation? This process is progress or an act of change that happens to orient the organization to a different or a new direction. It's physically and mentally exhausting progress. It is not easy for people to change their thoughts, understanding or to break the traditions and believes they grow up with since birth. Human mind is the most powerful source in the world and consequently, mental transformation is more challenging than physical transformation. Mind`s alteration is a painful process that people are afraid to go through. The article “The Allegory of the cave” by Plato asserts the freedom that people gain from the power of the mental transformation. Plato states that the main factor that prevents people from going through mental transformation is, "The fear of change." The fear of change inhibits human’s mental transformation.
The article “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato draws an exact image what is called human mind’s metamorphosis and the components that might impede this process. Plato refers to a metaphor that there are prisoners tied by hands, legs and necks and a wall reflects a shadow of projects for them to acknowledge the world's objects and messages. There are fire light behind them to reflect these objects. One of these prisoners breaks his chains, and he forced himself to go out of the cave. The first look to the fire light and then to the sunlight claims the process of the mind’s alteration. Socrates, the main character in this passage, asserts how this prisoner experienced real pain during this transformation process, "The pain of freedom process". The prisoner takes time to adjust his eyes to the brightness of the sun light. Plato pointed out that people have to do efforts to know about reality of life. Reality hurts but freedom comes after it as a a "relief." Plato also indicated that the human mind can lead to an individual's slavery. It can tie them to chains, just like the prisoners. He shows how people prefer to be prisoned to their ignorance than to experience the process of awareness. Plato asserts the main factors that inhibit human mind’s modification, which is the people’s fear of change. Another concern is that some individuals believe that ignorance is "bliss". To sum up, Plato’s philosophical point of view explains the exact meaning of people’s mental change.
Second, Plato demonstrates that people observe the shadow of the objects that reflect the life unrealities. They interpret the names of these objects according to their sensation and limited cognitive awareness. They are prisoned by their beliefs, fear and unwillingness to change. Some individuals prefer to be in their comfortable zone of unawareness than discovering the unknown. Plato symbolizes the chains that tie the prisoners are traditions, believes, or religious concerns which people grow up with since birth. The mental chains are worse than any physical chains which means when the state of mind is in the unreal recognition, it limits people’s acknowledgements and affects their progress in life. The shadows of the objects they observe in front of them are false representations of reality of life. He claims that people should do exertions to achieve acknowledge and discover life reality even if it is an unbearable process. Some people argue that realizing life reality is a hurting process and it is comfortable to be settled in the ignorance zone. On the other hand, true knowledge is one of the ways to happiness. For instance, in the book “Mindfulness: Five Ways to Achieve real happiness” by N J Bridge Water, states that to achieve a mindfulness state of awareness is one of the techniques to pleasure. A reason to that satisfied feeling is that it enables people to be aware that reality of all statics. An individual's mind revolution to proceed being free and recognizes the genuineness of life.
The mystery of the real world is a significant element inhibits their inspiration to change. Plato asserts that the prisoners in the cave do not want to be free and go out of the cave. They prefer to utilized the perception of objects by their sensation than developing to challenge their fear of the anonymous. Plato designated that a prisoner who was freed went through a painful process to discover the beauty of reality. The other element is belief of some individual that ignorance is bliss. The prison that breaks the chains has this enthusiasm to discover the reality of the world outside the cave. This willingness has the power that broke the chains. Some people argue that fear is necessary in people’s life to protect them from suffering in life and awareness has negative impacts most of the time. On the other hand, recognizing the reality and enriching the knowledge is safer than ignorance. For example, a patient who has cancer has the fear to know about the reality of his sickness. However to study the details of the disease is the best way that can lead to treatment. T
Plato symbolizes some individual's world as a cave. some individual are prisoners in this world due to their traditions, religion believes, habits that will never change but may also lead to bias, unwillingness to accept differences and/or inability to improve oneself. The mental transformation free individuals from all the chains that restrict their minds. People who break these chains can recognize the beauty of the real world and the real meaning of happiness. People should break their chains by focusing on achieving their goals and overcoming their fear of the modification. The government should support the illiterate people to recognize the beauty of the evolution. The philosophers have an essential role to write about the positive side of achieve not only personal goals but also knowledge of differences.